YLAB Policies
-If you choose to forego a month of classes/tuition at YLAB, you or your student may be subject to losing their place or enrollment in their class or classes. Each class has a capacity at which it may become closed as YLAB continues to grow.
-If you choose to forego a month of classes/tuition at YLAB, you or your student may be subject to lose any promotion/discount given to them.
-Promotions/discounts may only be applied and used before the date of expiration.
-All discounts, coupons, scholarships and promotions of any kind have a limit of 6-month validation duration if actual promotion expiration date is not stated on promotion/discount offer. This does not extend (lengthen) any present or ongoing offers.
-If you or your child are placed on a waitlist for any regular scheduled YLAB class, you MUST be enrolled in another class during the same season to qualify for an opening.
-Discounts do not apply to drop-in rates or special classes. Drop-in rates are "per day" only.
-YLAB will not be held accountable for any changes made by the account holder after the start of a new month.
-Class changes after the first of the month will not be honored.
-All pertinent information regarding the studio and your account will be sent through email.
-It is important for all instructors to stay on task with their classes and private lessons throughout the working day. It is asked that parents do not come into the dance room unless a parent is asked to do so. If you have questions or concerns please email the school at yorbalindaballet@gmail.com.
-Gossiping of any kind is strictly prohibited and may result in your dismissal. Yorba
Linda Academy of Ballet promotes a positive and healthy environment for everyone,
here and everywhere else in the industry.
-YLAB, the facility, and its instructors are not liable for injuries sustained on the premises.
-YLAB is not responsible for lost or stolen items.
-YLAB classes are subject to cancellation or change of time, teacher or substitution based on management discretion.
-Families will be notified of emergency closings or class changes through email.
-YLAB does not offer make up classes for closures that are beyond our control, such as natural disasters.
-On the day you or your child will be absent, you must call the studio phone at (714)463-4568 or email YLAB at YorbaLindaBallet@gmail.com. You or your child will not be able to make-up a missed class without notifying the office. Please see Absence/Make-up Policies for details.
-No animals are permitted on the premises except identified service animals.
-All drinks must be in a closed container. Only water bottles are acceptable on the studio dance floor.
-Children in waiting areas must be supervised at all times by a parent or guardian.
-Parents and students may not make suggestions of any kind regarding YLAB.
-Please be considerate while classes are in session and refrain from loud conversations or noises.
-YLAB reserves the right to refuse service or admittance to anyone at our discretion.
-The YLAB schedule is subject to change at any time without notice.
Student/Classroom Policies
-Ballet etiquette requires great discipline, YLAB expects students to work in such a fashion.
-Students are expected to be ready for their lessons. This means a student is expected to arrive, warm up and stretch at least 10 minutes before a lesson or rehearsal begins. This transition period assists in one’s focus and physical well-being.
-Dancers are to be ready for class at the starting time with hair done and shoes on and in the appropriate required attire before they walk into their classroom.
-If the student is over 10 minutes late they may not enter or take the class unless special arrangements have been made with YLAB's instructors prior to class starting.
-Students arriving late are not permitted to just walk into class. Late students should ask the teacher for permission to join a class that has already started by waiting just inside of the classroom door.
-No gum, food or drinks are permitted on the dance floor or dressing room. Only water in a closed container is permitted.
-No excessive conversations should take place during class. This can be disruptive to fellow classmates and the instructor.
-Please be respectful of yourself and others. Kindness goes far. No foul language will be tolerated.
-Students shall NOT lean on the barres, or stand in such a way that gives off negative body language.
-Students may not leave the classroom without the teacher’s permission. This is for their safety.
-Females dancing on pointe must have shoes that are in good condition and properly sewn.
-All shoe soles must be clean before entering the classroom.
-Parents are not allowed to disrupt on-going classes or private lessons. If you have a concern please ask the front desk to pass a note onto the instructor or email the studio at YorbaLindaBallet@gmail.com. Your student's instructor will get back to you as soon as possible.
-Parents, if you need to remove your child early from class, please inform the office before the start of the class.
-Parents please be prompt to pick your children up at the end of class. The studio will not stay open more than 10 minutes after the last class of the evening.
-Please pick up after yourself.
Tuition & Payment Policies
All sales are final and are NOT refundable or transferable.
-Tuition is due by the 1st of every month. On the 8th of the month, if a payment is not received, a $25 late fee will be applied.
-There is a $35 registration fee for 1st individual or if you have more than one dancer it is $50 for siblings in the same family. However, if siblings sign up in two different months, then each dancer will be responsible for annual individual registration fees.
-YLAB does not pro-rate for major holidays and YLAB Christmas/Summer breaks due to numerous 5-week months throughout the year.
-YLAB will not pro-rate for outside scheduled functions or vacations. It is expected to keep consistent attendance for all classes.
-If you are enrolled in our auto-pay program, it is your responsibility to notify the office in writing of your need to be removed from auto-pay before the start of the new month.
-If you choose to forego a month of classes/tuition at YLAB, you or your student may be subject to lose any promotion/discount given to them, along with their enrollment in their classes. Registration fees will also be due upon re-enrollment.
-All discounts, coupons, scholarships and promotions of any kind have a limit of 6-month validation duration if actual promotion expiration date is not stated on promotion/discount offer. This does not extend (lengthen) any present or ongoing offers.
-Promotions/discounts may only be applied and used before the date of expiration.
-Discounts do not apply to drop-in rates or special classes.
-Drop-in rates are "per day" only.
-Annual registration fees are applied on the same month of every year.
-There is a $35.00 fee for returned checks.
-Prices are subject to change at any time without notice.
Placement/Promotion Policies
-New students to YLAB are required to be evaluated as technical levels may not correspond with other schools or dance institutions in the area.
-A $10 evaluation class will be assigned to determine which level and classes you or your student(s) will be placed in.
-A student may promote to the next level with the consent of their instructor ONLY.
-Parents and students may NOT ask or suggest a student be moved up a level.
-Parents may not under any circumstances place students in a class without permission.
-It should be understood that students often remain in a class level for more than one year. Our main interest is to offer our students proper training for each stage of development. Promotions are made at the discretion of the instructors.
-Each level has its own set of standards and goals that MUST be achieved in order to become a candidate to promote to a higher level, or for some, be placed on pointe.
-A scheduling conflict will NEVER justify or permit a promotion.
-Your child is different than all other children and being an acquaintance of someone who has moved up a level does not necessarily mean your child is ready at the same time. Your child MUST achieve all that is required of him or her in their particular level to become a candidate to promote.
Absence/Make-up Policies
-Make-up classes are the student’s responsibility.
-You are given two weeks to make up any missed class.You or your child will not be able to make-up a missed class without notifying the office the day of a class absence or before.
-On the day you or your child will be absent (or before), you must email the office at YorbaLindaBallet@gmail.com in order to make up any missed class.
-Scheduling conflicts DO NOT permit extensions, refunds or credits.
-If you or your child is absent because of vacation, school activities or other reasons, make-up classes must be arranged with the office and taken within two weeks of your planned absences.
-You may take a make-up class at your class level or lower ONLY... No exceptions.
-No refunds, credits or extensions are given for missed classes... No exceptions.